Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Am I missing opportunities?

I have definitely been looking at that closed door wondering why I gave up that opportunity, but now I wonder if my longing has caused me to miss amazing opportunities that might be right before me. While I might not have my own classroom I am beginning to realize that as a sub I still have the chance to connect with students and be an example in their lives. I love being able to remember students’ names and greet them with a smile as they enter the classroom. I pray that soon I will be blessed with my own classroom, but I know that I must wait for God’s will and perhaps right now I am where He wants me to be. The challenge comes in being content and learning patience…two of my weakest areas. 

Now for the Humorous In-Between from last week…
This past week I spent subbing in another high school science classroom where the subjects were Anatomy and Biology and I had to deal with indifferent seniors and obnoxious sophomores. At the beginning of the week I had expected to only work in that classroom until Tuesday, so when my phone went off with a new email saying that I was subbing the rest of the week I was quite surprised. I quickly called Ryan, my husband, asking him if he signed me up through my computer’s sub finder program to which he replied no which confused me. I walked into the office to turn in my key to Ms. Pam, the secretary, who I absolutely adore and she gave me a funny look and said that she needed to talk to me. She then informed me since I am on their preferred list and I was already in the school they decided to give me the jobs and ask later. That made me smile although inside I was dreading coming back to that classroom for another three days. Let me tell you why…
1)      A young man kept propositioning me and staring at me which although flattering it was mostly disturbing.
2)      Two boys decided dropping their pants would be amusing. They justified their actions by stating that they had gym shorts underneath, but I was quick to inform them that it did not matter I did not want them undressing in front.
3)      Another group of students found it amusing to be loud and obnoxious throughout the entire class.
4)      Finally…the teacher did NOT leave sub plans!!! Five days without sub plans!
Although I had these many reasons that made me not want to come back I did agree to make the commitment and so I decided to take home the textbooks. The next day I came in prepared to teach Anatomy and Biology and as I wrote a chart on the board one student asked me “What are you? A real teacher?” which made me chuckle and smile. I am glad I went back because although some of the students were still difficult I did find it exciting to be in front of the classroom even if it was teaching science. The final two days we sat there and watched House, MD because the teacher finally came in and that was his last minute lesson plan idea. The students enjoyed watching the show and it was a good thing because last week those final days were extremely hot. When I say extremely hot I mean it because while it was 95 degrees outside it was almost the same in my classroom due to there not being air. Bored students mixed with extreme heat made for a very grumpy classroom, but those days gave me the opportunity to connect with a couple students. Overall it was an interesting and never boring week, but isn’t that how it always is for a teacher? The minute you think things will calm down  the drama begins…

Monday, August 29, 2011

There will be no Humorous In-Between tonight.

Last night I had the chance to go through Step into Africa, a World Vision Experience. They give the public an opportunity to experience the life of a child living in Africa who has been affected by AIDS. It was heartbreaking to walk through the life of one small boy who in the end found out he had the “big disease.” Tears came to my eyes as I listened to the story of his mother dying while he was lying next to her. The faces on the wall that were stamped with a red positive sign made me want to dedicate my life to the Lord’s work and strive to help these poor children. These emotions were strong as I walked out of the church, but unfortunately it was tainted by the laughter and joking of some church youth who did not take the stories seriously. Their behavior brought so many questions to my mind…

Where has the respect gone in our youth? 

Why is the church not striving to change the hearts of our one day leaders?

How will our children learn if we do not set a Godly example?

When was it that “real change” stopped happening?

Educators, parents and Christian leaders where has OUR passion gone? 

While subbing today I was located across from a teacher who was a true example of Christ-like behavior. He was kind and made sure to connect with every single student that stepped into his classroom and he guided them to right behavior in a stern yet caring way. If a single man in a public high school can change the way of a student in less than a minute than how is it our Christian students who have been “Sunday-schooled” their whole life do not show change? My heart is saddened at how we are disappointing our Lord by not working harder to develop a passion for Him in our children. The beam in my own eye is overwhelming these days as I look at my hypocrisy and my poor example to my sisters. Oh God, where has MY passion gone?! It humbles me to think that I waste time in discontentment when I should be using my blessings to shine the light of God. 

There will be no Humorous In-Between tonight.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The beginning of the transition...

You know those days when you sit there and think, “How on earth did I get to where I am now?”

I have those days all the time now and each time I have to realize that God has me where I need to be, and apparently for now it is in Career Limbo. In this economy Career Limbo is an everyday fact of life for so many people, so do not worry I am not going to sit here and complain about not having a job. This blog is going to be a place to tell the humorous encounters I have along the way to becoming a full-time teacher, again. 

Long story short…

                My husband and I moved to Texas last year after I graduated from college and I was blessed to find a full-time teaching position. The year went well except for one small problem, my aggressive case of “homesickness.” Needless to say, my amazing husband moved us back to Illinois even though I had not yet found a job. This is where I find myself today, trying to locate a job while also working as a substitute teacher in numerous different classrooms.

Now for the Humorous In-Between…

              Yesterday I found myself subbing in a high school science classroom working with freshmen and juniors. If you have taught these grades before you can understand that each have their own little quirks. Well, seeing as how it was the first week of school the poor little freshmen were working so hard to prove that they were tough, which I will admit was slightly annoying. The most annoying encounter was with a freshmen girl who thought she was “all that” and so when I took her phone away from her you can only imagine what her reaction was. Imagine a teenage girl doing the “I’m tough head shake” while threatening to go get the principal. I only exceeded in making her more irritated by telling her “Go ahead, sweetheart!” In the end I won that battle, which is good because I am pretty sure she could have taken me. The day became even more amusing when I had another freshmen class come in and one boy said, “You look nice, are you nice?” I responded with “It all depends on you.” Sometimes it is nice to have that power.
              The most amusing part of the day came when it was time for the assembly. Being home-schooled my entire life means that I never had to endure those typical high school experiences so I was clueless as to what was involved. First, the marching band came through and I thought my eardrums were going to burst from the loudness but I knew it would be lame to cover my ears. Wow, it was like I reverted back to a teenager. When my class’ section was called my students bolted while I locked the door and I lost them for a moment in the crowd. It doesn’t help that I am only five foot tall and was getting pushed along with the students. Fortunately, a teacher was there who helped me, but in all honesty he made the situation even more comical because he kept having to lean down and tell me what was going on since he was almost seven feet tall, or at least it seemed that way to me. :) When I was sitting in the gym the students around me were filled with school spirit so much one girl leaned over to me, thinking I was a student, and asked me if I thought one of the male teachers was HOT! Too funny! Overall it was a good and entertaining day. 

Well that is my life and to God be the glory...